I want to give you examples of a few of the the pre-pitch communication that's goes on with our team. I will not cover everything in this post but should hit a few ideas to give the jist. Again what you decide to communicate is your decision but this is what we do.
Before each new batter the catcher will start the communication process by stepping out in front of home plate, with his helmet off, and make his calls. It is extremely important to me that the catcher step out in front of the plate and command the field. Some players will try and half you know what it from behind the plate without capturing every ones attention. Must be a general here!
At this point the catcher will go through whatever calls are necessary for that particular situation. Basically, what he is communicating here is how many outs and what the infield with do with the ball. He may also at this point say some encouraging words or make first and third calls.
Some examples of situational calls may sound like this. Let's say bases are loaded with one out and corners up. Our catcher in this situation would step in front of home plate and say, " One out, pitcher you and me, third base you and me, first base you and me, spin in the middle, on your bellies keep it in!"
While he is communicating his process, the infielders are also communicating their processes. The pitcher, third, and first baseman are communicating, "me and you" back to the catcher and the middle infielders are communicating, "me and you" with each other. Infielders are also communicating with the outfielders at this point reminding them about outs and possibly things such as balls into second or whatever that situation might call for.
Another example would be runners on 1st and 2nd and no outs. The catcher would step out and communicate, "No outs, spin the middle, third base which ever way it takes you, pitcher spin it, on your bellies." On your bellies simply means to get off your feet if necessary and keep ground balls in the infield.
Our infielders would be communicating for example: Our shortstop would be reminding the pitcher that ball back to him to spin the double play at second. A simple you and me call will do the trick. The entire infield will be reminding each other be ready I'll be coming to you. Again we usually will give a you and me call with a thumb and little finger shake between us.
Another example of communication would be anytime a left handed batter comes to their plate. Our catcher and first baseman will tell the pitcher, "Ball right side gotta get over." Because the likely hood that a pitcher will have to cover first goes up with a left handed hitter we remind him to do so. Truth is eventually your entire team will do same and in fact, you'll begin to hear parents making the same calls from the stand. It becomes habit for everyone!
In Conclusion
There is not enough time to go through every situation in baseball but the point remains the same. The more you get your players talking and communicating situations there better they will handle them and make plays. The more of a complete ball player they will become and the more their confidence grows.
This can be accomplished through constant repetition on a daily basis. Set up a practice routines where communication is must and your players will eventually know no other way. I will post a drill later on that we use to accomplish most of our communication habits.
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